The Resource Page

Resources from AWorks

Every day there is more and more written about living with disabilities. Our concentration is on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) with an emphasis on Asperger’s Syndrome (AS). Since the inception of our Website, we have felt the importance of sifting through all the information out there and providing you, our visitors, with synopsis and links to articles that, in our judgment, you may find helpful.

Recently, we have also added a page – Books in our Library – that you might find helpful. All of the books have been donated to our organization. We present them to you with summaries culled from book-seller sites that do not necessarily reflect our opinions.

You may also want to check out our Watercooler blog written for and by people with Asperger’s Syndrome and the people who love them.

And please visit our Volunteers blog with posts from all the wonderful young people who gave so much of themselves to help forward the cause of AWorks. It is our hope that as soon as things stabilize post-COVID, more volunteers will join our organization.

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Two people's hands with papers that they are working on and a cup of color pens and pencils.Do you have learning disabilities and are planning to attend college? You will find that you will face some unique challenges. In 2016, the National Center for Learning Disabilities surveyed 800 parents, and 72% said it was hard to find information about college disability services. For students with learning disabilities, getting the right information and support to excel in college requires a persistent strategy.

The extensive planning guide, College Planning Guide for Students with Learning Disabilities (, gives students and parents the tools they need to successfully understand the college environment for students with learning disabilities, as well as their rights and potential accommodations. Whether it’s in-person or online college you’re pursuing, this site shows you where to find the best resources to achieve your goals.

Two hands in black fingerless gloves holding a cutout of a house with a window and a door

Homeless Shelters Near Me ( is a website that provides updated lists of all shelters available to the homeless in the United States (state-by-state and city-by-city).

The website is maintained by several people who work to meet their mission: “present the most up-to-date and effective list of homeless shelters in each state and city to help people in need of housing and shelter.” Their vision is “to provide the most useful information related with homeless shelters.”

A boy and a man sitting together silhouetted against an orange sky, watching the sunsetUnexpected Genetic Influence of Fathers in Autism ( – According to this study, siblings with ASD may share more of their father’s genome.

“Scientists long thought that siblings born with ASD share more of their mother’s genome than their father’s. But CSHL [Cold Springs Harbor Laboratory] Associate Professor Ivan Iossifov and Professor Michael Wigler have now shown that, in many cases, it’s dad who might be playing a bigger genetic role.”

For approximately the last twenty years CSHL scientists have been working to uncover the causes of autism. Although they were able to discover that thousands of genes, when destroyed, may result in a child being born with ASD, they could not account for all cases. It is the search for answers regarding this that the two scientists decided to test the genome of families that had at least one member with ASD. The tests of 6,000 families’ genome resulted in this startling conclusion.


Israeli study reveals potential method for reducing symptoms of autismA small mouse in the hand of a research scientist ( – Researchers in Israel found a direct link between nitric acid levels in the brain and autism.

The study… demonstrates that autism indicators increases as NO [nitric oxide] increases in the brain, and that autism indicators and behavior decrease as the levels of NO in the brains of murine models of autism are lowered “in a proactive and controlled manner.”

Dr. Haitham Amal from the School of Pharmacy in the Faculty of Medicine of Hebrew University of Jerusalem stated that, “with our new understanding of the NO mechanism, we can begin to develop therapeutic drugs and help millions of children and adults living with autism around the world.”

diagram of an eye with labelsThanks to the diligence of an online friend, Dave Angel, we recently found out that 52% Autistics have some form of eye issues and that 50% of registered blind people are on the Spectrum! These are startling statistics that may account for a number of issues for autistics. Dave writes the following:

*It makes it even harder to ‘read’ others, navigate a social situation, and learn the social dynamics if you can’t see well.
*Exams, homework, tests – all are going to be impacted on negatively with poor vision.
*Sensory issues – What role does poor eyesight play in visual overload? Also if your vision is poor, do you then overcompensate with hearing and other senses?

Since vision is such an important part of relating to the world around us, we decided to alert you to some posts that deal with autism and vision. Please note that the statistic regarding the prevalence of Autism according to the CDC varies from blog to blog according to what was known at the time of their writing. Today, the CDC estimates that approximately 1 in 44 children are born on the Autism Spectrum with a ratio of 1 in 5 being female. Even these statistics are now being challenged as more and more is learned about how female autistics present (quite different from males).

Autism & Vision ( – Visual problems may be common in Autistics. This blog describes some to the symptoms and possible treatment methods.

Possible Eye Problems Associated with Autism ( – This blog post refers to a report by The Autism Society that states that throughout the world, about one percent of the population has autism. In the United States, about 3.5 million people have autism spectrum disorder. Eye problems may account for problems with coordinating peripheral and central vision, eye movement disorders, visual defensiveness or sensitivity (“It may involve having problems maintaining eye contact, leading to frequently moving the eyes and scanning visual information.“), and Spatial visual processing problems.

Vision and Autism ( – This post declares that visual problems can have a large impact on the life of a child with autism but that they often go undiagnosed.

Physical Differences in Autistic Eyesight ( – James Ward-Sinclair, author of this blog and the originator if the site writes, “sight has many rather special characteristics when it comes to autism in that, despite autism often being considered a solely neurological ‘disorder’, its impact on vision has many physical identifiers,” like anisometropia, amblyopia, significant refractive error, and strabismus.

Autism and Vision ( – According to this article, eye problems in Autistics is “about more than 20/20 eyesight. This is about being able to effectively take in and process visual information.” Those who fall within the autism spectrum may demonstrate some of the following visually associated behavioral characteristics that are often symptoms of visual dysfunctions : poor eye contact, staring at lights or spinning objects, side viewing and looking through or beyond objects, light sensitivity, atypical reactions to visual stimuli, and general difficulties attending. It is the contention of this blog that vision therapy may be able to help.


woman in pink placing mask on faceAutistic people and masking ( – Masking is a way of being for most on the Autism Spectrum. Although all human beings ‘mask’ or ‘camouflage’ parts of themselves to better fit in with those around them, masking takes a toll on Aspies and autistics, according to Dr. Hanna Belcher. And she should know – she is autistic herself!

… for us autistic folk the strategy is often much more ingrained and harmful to our wellbeing and health. Because our social norms are different to others around us, we often experience greater pressure to hide our true selves and to fit into that non-autistic culture. More often than not, we have to spend our entire lives hiding our traits and trying to fit in, even though the odds of appearing ‘non-autistic’ are against us.

Masking may involve supressing certain behaviours we find soothing but that others think are ‘weird’, such as stimming or intense interests. It can also mean mimicking the behaviour of those around us, such as copying non-verbal behaviours, and developing complex social scripts to get by in social situations. With this comes a great need to be like others, and to avoid the prejudice and judgement that comes with being ‘different’.

As successful as some autistics, especially women, are in masking, it comes at a price. Masking can be extremely detrimental to an Aspie’s mental health manifesting in anxiety and depression. Recent studies have shown that a number of people who attempt suicides or succeed in committing suicides are on the Autism Spectrum. Additionally, according to Dr. Belcher, masking prevents people from becoming their true selves.

The best solution to reducing the need for autistic people to mask,” writes Dr. Belcher, “is to spread awareness to non-autistic people of different neurodiverse behaviours and thinking patterns.”

Bright yellow signs with all-caps bold black letters spelling out EMERGENCYA student from the University of Hawaii, who recently enrolled in a Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management course, sent us links to three posts dealing with important emergency information. Although these resources are not geared towards people on the Spectrum, they are good bits of information for all of us.

The first post, Emergency! Emergency Radio Communications for All or Anyone in Times of Disaster (, deals with “lifesaving emergency radio communications information in or out from where you are right now or most anywhere if you had a major disaster happen….” Beside general information, this post by an amateur (ham) radio operator (N4UJW) lists different kinds of radio communications that would be handy to have in case of an emergency situation. This person also discusses how you and your neighbors can set up a limited backup communications “system” in and around your neighborhood.

The second post, Distress signals, flares and emergency beacons (Queensland Government) – a post from Australia, gives advise on what equipment to have with you when on a boat and how to handle emergency situations. It covers such items as distress signals, flares, emergency beacons, and safety tips.

Another post that may be of interest to those of you who are interested in citizen band or CB radios is Learning CB Radio Codes and Lingos Used by Veterans (Right Channel Radios). Topics covered include the history of CBs, the importance of this form of communication, the advantages of learning CB radio codes, the most commonly used CB radio phrases, and more.

Joey Murphy's illustrationAlternate routes: Making a way for people with autism to find fulfilling work (publicsource) — Autistics in the workforce have always known that it is not autism that holds them back but discrimination. “The same kids who sensed your difference from the herd in the third grade,” writes Joey Murphy, “are still with you in the office. At 35, you’re better at masking, but they’re better at making their reasons for not liking you seem legit.”

The neurotypical [NT] brain is wired to prioritize social interaction and pecking order. The neurodiverse [ND] brain is wired to put that same level of effort into indexing topics. For NTs, one basic narrative is ‘girl meets boy, they fall in love.’ For ND brains, this is much closer to the truth: ‘Girl meets topic, girl falls in love, girl’s passion is exhausting this field of knowledge, please stop trying to distract girl from her topic.’ We are motivated, on a primal level, by different goals. That’s where the communication problems come from. NTs feel that we are rude and standoffish. NDs feel that NTs waste a lot of time on social stuff. Neither is correct, just informed by different priorities.

Joey MurphyWomen my age weren’t called ‘autistic’ growing up. We were awkward or ‘rude.’ And we missed out on services. (publicsource) — Growing up, Joey Murphy, 48, did not know she had what is now called Autism Spectrum Disorder. In this post, she shares the disorienting experience of life before diagnosis. 

You know me. If you’re over the age of say, 40, chances are you went to school with a girl like me. I was more or less on even footing with you academically, but I struggled with everything else. My physical movements were often spastic and jerky. I blurted rather than talked. I couldn’t hold a pencil properly. I got upset when rules weren’t followed. I was eager to please; yet I sometimes said the dumbest, rudest thing possible.

I spoke like a tiny adult but acted like a baby. I was easy to tease, easy to fool, and I had such an exaggerated startle response that it was hard to resist sneaking up behind me to make loud noises. You couldn’t have named it.

The teachers couldn’t even name it, but even in childhood, your lizard brain knew something about me was just…off.

Autism & hiringAutism Doesn’t Hold People Back at Work. Discrimination Does. (Harvard Business Review) — An autistic professional is up to 140% more productive than an average employee when properly matched to a job that fits their skills, according to Ludmila Praslova, an autistic professor of organizational psychology. Still, discrimination against neurodivergent people continues because most of the “common” workplace practices at the workplace are established for neurotypicality. The author offers a few strategies to help neurodivergent employees take control of their own success at work.

Topics covered in this post:

  • Disclosure is your decision.
  • Define what career success looks like for you. 
  • Craft your own job.
  • Make space for purpose in your work.
  • Office politics are hard. But know that you can be your best ally.

Boys and GirlsStudy shows differences between brains of girls, boys with autism (sciencedaily) — “Brain organization differs between boys and girls with autism, according to a new study from the Stanford University School of Medicine…. The differences were unique to autism and not found in typically developing boys and girls. The research helps explain why autism symptoms differ between the sexes and may pave the way for better diagnostics for girls, according to the scientists.” The study was originally published online Feb. 15, 2022 in The British Journal of Psychiatry. According to Rachael L. and Walter F. Nichols, MD, “We know that camouflaging of symptoms is a major challenge in the diagnosis of autism in girls, resulting in diagnostic and treatment delays.” 

The researchers used 678 brain scans from children diagnosed with autism and 978 brain scans from typically developing children. “Among children with autism, girls had different patterns of connectivity than boys did in several brain centers, including motor, language and visuospatial attention systems….’We may need to have different tests for females compared with males. The artificial intelligence algorithms we developed may help to improve diagnosis of autism in girls,” the study’s lead author, Kaustubh Supekar, PhD said. At the treatment level, interventions for girls could be initiated earlier, he added.”

Risk of Covid-19 Diagnosis Among Established Patients The Devastating Impact of Covid-19 on Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities in the United States (NEJM Catalyst) — According to a recent study of 64,858,460 patients across 547 health care organizations, “reveals that having an intellectual disability was the strongest independent risk factor for presenting with a Covid-19 diagnosis and the strongest independent risk factor other than age for Covid-19 mortality.” Many in this group have difficulty with social distancing and are inconsistent mask wearers. 

Even without COVID, the life expentancy of this population is 20 years lower than those of their counterparts in the general public. 

Increased mortality in those with intellectual disabilities is caused by a number of factors and the impact of each is not well explored; in some cases, the cause of their disability or complications associated with their disability (in particular, difficulties with aspiration) may contribute to higher risk of mortality. In other cases, socioeconomic factors, obstacles to receiving the full amount of health care to which they should be entitled, and obstacles to effective advocacy for this population may contribute to an inability to receive appropriate and effective health care, which in turn leads to increased morbidity and mortality.

ASD Sleep HelpSleep Help For People With Autism Spectrum Disorder (weightedjournal) — Everyone will tell you that sleep is probably the most important thing neede by our bodies. Having a good night’s rest is very thereputic for our bodies. This is no less true for people on the Autism Spectrum. “The lack of sleep can heighten some behavioral characteristics such as aggression, hyperactivity, and the ability to concentrate. Therefore, people affected by [ASD] can find it quite hard to sleep, which can lead to various struggles at school, in the workplace and can generally affect their life quality.”

Here is a list of topics covered by this article.

  • What is ASD?
    1. Deficits in Interaction
    2. Behavioral patterns
  • How can ASD affect sleep?
    1. Mental health disorders
    2. Irregular circadian rhythm
    3. Medical issues
  • Help for ASD-related sleep problems
    1. Light therapy
    2. Cognitive behavioral therapy
    3. Sleep restriction
    4. Stimulus contral
    5. Relaxation training
    6. Sleep training
  • Additional behavioral interventions
    1. Schedule checklist
    2. Keep bedtime routine
    3. Activities
    4. Reminders
    5. Reward
    6. Changes in the routine

This post also lists a number of blogs that deal with this issue.

golden retriever rescue dogWhat Disabilities Can a Service Dog Help With? (petlisted) — Accoding to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a “person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities” is defined as disabled. This webpage lists the different conditions that rescue dogs may be able to help with. It also gives pointers about how to go through the process of acquiring a service dog.

“There are many organizations that provide training for different types of service dogs,” writes Cortney Childers, the author of the page. “Don’t discount the power of research; spend time finding groups both locally and nationally, until you come across one that matches your needs. With some work and a little luck, you’ll have an amazing four-legged service companion in no time.”

Check out the following items listed on the webpage.

  • Things to know before you start
  • Researching service dog training programs
  • Organizations
  • Multiple or varying diagnosis
  • Veterans
  • Autism
  • Mobility
  • Diabetes


autism & addictionAutism and Addiction (Sunshine Behavioral Health) — According to new research, addiction may be more likely for those who have mild autistic symptoms than those with no autism at all! “Substance abuse is … [a] self-stimulating behavior….. The ‘substance’ can vary from alcohol, prescription medications such as opioids or stimulants, and illegal drugs such as cocaine, heroin, and fentanyl.” There is a new awareness of the link between autism and addiction. If a person does not get diagnosed until his late teens or later, his addiction is not linked to autism. According to a Sweedish study, people on the high end of the Spectrum (those previously diagnosed as having Asperger’s Syndrome) have twice as much chance of becoming addicted as their counterparts. And the statistics are even worse for those who have ADHD.

The authors of this page don’t limit the information they share to the relationship between autism and addiction. They also delve deeply into information about autism itself like 

  • What is autism
  • Different types of autism
  • Risk factors for autism
  • What is addiction
  • Dual diagnosis
  • And more


handicapped man in car with wheelchairA number of adults on the Autism Spectrum have other problems beside being Aspies. Some have mobility issues as well. But they are not alone. There are a number of people with disabilities with mobility issues. Here we present three web pages to aide those on the Spectrum and others with mobility issues.


Car Modification for Persons with Disabilities: What You Need to Know ( — “Thanks to adaptive driving and assistive technology, people with disabilities can confidently and safely drive themselves to any destination.” Here are the topics covered on this helpful page:

A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Cars for Handicapped (BraunAbility) — Today, it is possible to make various modifications to a vehicle that allows a person with limited mobility to still drive a car. This page provides information to get a person with mobility challenges to prepared to become an independent driver. Topics covered are

  • Get an Understanding of Driving With a Disability
    1. Enroll in Driving School and See Which Vehicle Modifications Are Needed for Your Disability
    2. Get Disabled Driving Lessons to Get Used to the Equipment
    3. Pass Your Exam
  • Modify Your Vehicle or Shop for the Handicapped Vehicle That You Need
    1. Be Sure That The Vehicle Passes All the Prerequisites If You’re Going to Modify It
    2. Understand What Modifications Are Necessary
    3. Study the Disabled Driving Laws

Car modification, registration and license for physically challenged (ragesonleashed) — “Most of us are passionate about driving and riding here. This becomes all the more important if you are physically challenged because, driving is one place where there is absolutely no difference between physically challenged person and others, movement wise.” Topics covered on this page are the following:

  • Registration
    1. Before buying
    2. Buying process
    3. After buying
  • License
    1. Learner’s license
    2. License

    Having a disability should not limit a person’s mobility. We hope these site are of value to you.


    Autism SocietyEmployment (Autism Society) – There are three types of employment, according to A Parent’s Guide to Asperger Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism: competitive, supported, and secure/sheltered. Each type is described in detail in this post.


    To look for employment, begin by contacting agencies that may be of help, such as state employment offices, vocational rehabilitation departments, social services offices, mental health departments and disability-specific organizations. Many of these agencies, as well as other valuable services and supports, can be found in the Autism Society’s nationwide online database, Autism Source. Search or call today to find programs in your area!


    CIP - College Internship ProgramCIP Berkshire ( – CIP, the College Internship Program, started in 1984, serving as a “psycho-educational alternative to traditional ‘medical model’ facilities.”


    With assistance from our Professional Advisory Board Members, CIP has developed comprehensive curriculum specifically for Asperger’s syndrome, high-functioning autism, nonverbal learning differences, ADHD and other learning differences. Further development in academic supports include tutoring, advising, executive functioning skills groups, study halls and academic liaison with colleges and universities.

    CIP provides various services:

    • Transition Programs for Students with Autism, Asperger’s, ADHD, and Learning Differences
    • Full-Year Post-Secondary Support Programs
    • Two-week Summer Experiences
    • College Academic, Social Skills, Employment, and Life Skills Support
    • Independent Living in Fully Furnished Apartments
    • Enrollment Options at World-Class Educational Institutions
    • Internship, Job & Career Development


    Indiana University BloomingtonChoosing the Right Job for People with Autism or Asperger’s Syndrome (Indiana University Bloomington) – This reprint of a post by Temple Grandin discusses how to choose jobs that emphasize a person’s strengths. We have also posted this information a few years ago, but it is worth reviewing here. Dr. Grandin created two lists: one that she feels are “bad” jobs for people on the Spectrum and another that, in her estimation, are “good” jobs. She also gives some job tips to Aspergians: “Jobs should have a well-defined goal or endpoint; Sell your work, not your personality. Make a portfolio of your work; and The boss must recognize your social limitations. She also writes that

    It is important that high functioning autistics and Asperger’s syndrome people pick a college major in an area where they can get jobs. Computer science is a good choice because it is very likely that many of the best programmers have either Asperger’s syndrome or some of its traits. Other good majors are: accounting, engineering, library science, and art with an emphasis on commercial art and drafting. Majors in history, political science, business, English or pure math should be avoided. However, one could major in library science with a minor in history, but the library science degree makes it easier to get a good job.

    Her lists for both bad and good jobs include reasons why each is either good or bad for people with Aspergers.


    workology.com27 Companies Who Hire Adults with Autism ( – Jessica Miller-Meller, the founder of Workology, lists various useful resources beside the list of companies hiring those with autism. The following topics are covered: 1) Autism workforce training and employment programs; 2) Companies hiring adults with autism; and 3) Updating hiring processes & training programs for all employees.


    SAP trainee Eric BeecroftWhy SAP Wants to Train and Hire Nearly 700 Adults With Autism (Inc. com) – is a German multinational software corporation that makes enterprise software to manage business operations and customer relations. The company is especially known for its ERP softwareSAP is the largest European (and non-American) software company by revenue and is the world’s third-largest publicly-traded software company. So, it is especially exciting for the Asperger community that the company has a goal of having 1% of their workforce be members of the autism community.

    In 2011, when SAP was approached by the Autism Society of India to create educational software for children with autism, its employees had very little personal experience with autism. But that introduction led to the employment of close to 700 people on the Spectrum by 2013 and the education of its non-autistic personnelle. At first, autistic individuals were hired for browser testing. But things have expanded since then. Jose Velasco is an executive at the Newtown Square, Pennsylvania location of SAP that is located 12.6 miles from Philadelphia. He is the father of two children on the Spectrum, so he has a vested interest in the success of the Autism at Work program, which he heads.

    Velasco explained how the company reexamined the entire employee experience, starting with hiring. Instead of traditional interviews, SAP held Lego-centric “hangout days.” Candidates were put in groups of eight and given Lego Mindstorm robotics kits…. The goal: to gauge several skills, including “the ability to read instructions and execute instructions. If the instructions are incorrect, do they go up and ask for help? Do they help colleagues?”

    …Successful candidates then progressed to a four-week course…. “Transitions from Point A to Point B–junior high to high school, high school to college, college to professional life–are always difficult. So we try to soften the transitions.”


    Ed Hunter, Founder of Life in ProgressAsperger’s and Autism Resources (Life in Progress) – Often people on the Spectrum don’t know where to turn for help. Many visit our Website, but our resources (that are plentiful) may not have the answers sought. So, we want to share with you a webpage that provides more resources that are divided into five categories: organizations, employment rights, hiring resources, books, and articles. We hope that the information on this page will be helpful to everyone on the Spectrum and those who love them.

    Life in Progress was the brain child of Ed Hunter, who has been a professional job coach for the last 15 years. “I am the parent of a brilliant, funny adult who was diagnosed with Aspergers, graduated from college with a degree in IT, and now also has a rewarding career,” writes Mr. Hunter. “I experienced his challenges in finding meaningful work, and saw how he, and others, struggled with the social demands of job-seeking…. I realized… that more students were coming to college diagnosed with Autism than ever before.  These young people each had wonderful skills and talents. They yearned for opportunities to utilize their gifts in rewarding work.  Just like everyone else.”


    eyeEye ‘jumps’ in autistic people may be especially fleeting (Spectrum News)- Neorotypical people shift their gaze to take in all the details of a given scene, but many people on the Autism Spectrum have difficulty in this department. This may account for autistic people’s difficulty reading social cues says Jonathan Moens, the author of this interesting article.

    The findings may challenge the prevailing view that autistic people avoid looking at social stimuli, such as faces, because they have low social motivation. Instead, the investigators say, eye-movement problems may interfere with autistic people’s ability to shift their attention fluidly to social stimuli….

    A lack of eye-movement coordination and flexibility could hinder social interactions in childhood and contribute to core autism traits, such as the tendency to avoid eye contact, says Johan Lundin Kleberg, a clinical psychologist and postdoctoral researcher at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden….

    Nico Bast, head of clinical research at Goethe University Frankfurt in Germany, theorizes that people with autism have perception difficulties no matter what the stimuli. In other words people on the Autism Spectrum respond to any stimuli be it a person or scenery “that are far away from the current focus of attention,” the same way.


    Ashley KimNeurodiverse Housing, with Ashley Kim | EDB 210 (Different Brains)- Housing for neurodiverse adults is not often addressed but is a major issue. Different Brains presents a video and audio recording of a discussion between Ashley Kim of Elevare Community of Los Angeles, that provides supportive housing and services for adults with special needs, and Harold “Hackie” Reitman, M.D., founder of Different Brains. There is also a full transcript of the conversation.


    [A]s a housing person, I try to focus more on the local issues because housing challenges of building housing are very localized, as well as you know, nationwide. But I try to learn from great models all over the country, you know. At first, I started out looking at some great models in California. And when I realized after so many other great teachers out there, I started traveling and reaching out to these communities and we do a lot of advocacy work together. So, in the process I’ve learned a lot from my teachers. So, what I’m sharing today is nothing that I came up with. It’s all something that I am shamelessly copying from others….

    [T]hose type of arrangements [mixed-use communities] are very ideal for individuals that are fairly independent. But in many ways, families and individuals that I meet require a lot more of attention to care and while those type of arrangements could work for some individuals, others may not be. And so, for me when I see the type of housing that works beautifully are, you know communities that have what’s called “Continuum of Care models.” So, an individual can actually be fairly independent at a certain point but as they age, their needs change. You know, these types of communities actually have a variety of options available so that that person would never have to leave that community but continue to be a part of them, they’re you know, connected community that there (sic) a part of.


    IEP & AutismIEP and Autism (my – Most autism parents with a child in public school will find themselves figuring out an IEP (Individualized Education Program) – a plan with school officials for the child to receive specialized instruction and services which can be an exhausting job for a parent.Education Programs(IEPs) are one of the top 10 topics most discussed on MyAutismTeam. People talk about a range of personal experiences and struggles.


    Dentist & AutismDentist Visits and Autism (my)-Children with autism may be uncomfortable at the dentist because it is a new situation, they have to sit very still, or they are afraid of the tools or drill. But preparing children ahead of time can ease some anxiety. Learning tips and tricks from parents who have been there can help you make your child more comfortable at the dentist.


    Doctors & AutismDoctors and Autism (my)-There are also a variety of doctors who can prescribe them, like pediatricians, developmental pediatricians, psychiatrists, neurologists, specialists, and naturopathic doctors. So, there is no one “right” type of doctor.Here are types of doctors described by Dr. Todd Levine, an Autism expert.


    FeverFever’s immune effect on brain may ease autism traits (SPECTRUM)-An immune molecule produced during a fever improves sociability in three mouse models of autism. The findings may explain why fevers have sometimes been reported to temporarily improve autistic children’s behavior. The findings also hint at the prospect of a targeted therapy that could harness fever’s benefits without its harmful side effects.


    Hot topicsFive hot topics in autism research in 2019 (SPECTRUM)-This year, researchers unearthed clues to the causes of autism — and how to treat it —from a variety of sources. Here are the year’s top five topics in autism research: Brain makers, Matters of the heart, Gut reactions, Opportune moments and Errors in detection.


    Early life experienceEarly life experiences may shift severity of autism (SPECTRUM)-A child’s environment exerts a strong influence on the severity of her autism, according to a study of 78 pairs of identical twins in which at least one twin has autism. The results suggest that having a brain condition makes children more susceptible to random events that occur early in life.


    Adolescence & AnxietyAdolescent anxiety predicts later psychiatric diagnoses in autistic people (SPECTRUM)-The Swedish study found that anxiety is predictive of these other conditions regardless of an autism diagnosis. The findings suggest that clinicians should consider the full range of an autistic person’s traits instead of that the associations with the greatest magnitude are due to neurodevelopmental [conditions] in childhood.


    sleepWhat’s the connection between autism and sleep? (SPECTRUM)-Here’s what researchers know so far about the causes and consequences of — and treatments for — sleep problems in autism. Sleep problems are common in children with autism. People with autism tend to have insomnia with 15 percent of their sleeping time in the rapid eye movement (REM) stage. Melatonin supplements, insomnia drugs for adults such as Ambien, and a regular sleeping habit can help a lot.


    Autism SpeaksAutism Speaks Revenue Surges (Disability Scoop) -“For 2018, Autism Speaks said it spent $19.6 million on employee compensation and benefits. The group’s president, Angela Geiger, took home over $642,000, more than double the earnings of any other executive at the organization.”


    Lyft & the DisabledLyft Offering Rides To Job Seekers With Disabilities (Disability Scoop) – In an effort to help people with disabilities access job training and get hired, Lyft’s Jobs Access Program will provide complementary or lower-cost rides to individuals with disabilities and other targeted groups in more than 35 markets across the U.S. and Canada.


    Online Matching ServiceOnline Matching Service Pairs Adult Roommates With Developmental Disabilities (Disability Scoop) -One of the biggest fears for parents of adults with disabilities is what will happen to their loved ones when caregivers die. Blanton started the company’s roommate matching service in 2013 to help families find compatible roommates for their children with autism and other developmental disabilities.Another company in Minnesota created a roommate matching service in 2018 to pair people with disabilities with typically-developing caregivers


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