
Prepare to be captivated by a showcase of the successful and fun Dinner of Hope 2023. Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to the talented individuals who captured the essence of this remarkable event and shared their photographs: Katalin Baltimore, Steve Gordon, Lisa & Eva Rajczyk, and John Szekeres.

Cocktails & Registration

The Program


Getting Ready

Cover photo - Dinner of Hope logo, two puzzle pieces with sun background, "Dreams to Reality - Struggle to Fit In - October 14, 2023
Wall Decor
Silent Auction Table
Adam Rajczyk at reception table
Table set with white tablecloth, red napkins, wine glasses, and glass pitcher
Reception Table with raffle items and Adam Rajczyk and Steph Beach in the background
Band getting organized
The band & Lisa Rajczyk
Ziwei Zhou getting a feel for the piano
Daniel & Adam Rajczyk at reception desk
Ziwei Zhou
Mike Scarpa of Flash Drive
Stephanie Beach
Joe DiThomas of Flash Drive
Julie DiThomas of Flash Drive

Cocktails & Registration

The Program

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