
Prepare to be captivated by a showcase of the successful and fun Dinner of Hope 2023. Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to the talented individuals who captured the essence of this remarkable event and shared their photographs: Katalin Baltimore, Steve Gordon, Lisa & Eva Rajczyk, and John Szekeres.


Cocktails & Registration

The Main Event


Daniel Rajczyk delivering his welcome speech
Sitting Adam Rajczyk, Ziwei Zhou, Lisa Rajczyk. Standing Claire Patras, June Sterritt, Daniel Rajczyk
Adam Rajczyk, Katalin Baltimore, and John Szekeres
Dinner MC Tim Coco of WHAV
WeCare 365 group
WeCare 365 Group
Mayor Brian DePeña and Team
Ziwei Zhou playing a classical piece on the piano
Lawrence City Councilor Marc Laplante
City Councilor Marc LaPlante and Eva Rajczyk
Keynote address delivered by Eileen Duff
Sitting: Katalin Baltimore, Alison & Jerry Majeau. Standing: Eva Rajczyk, Mary Duff Henry, Eileen Duff, Diana DiZoglio, Steph Beach
Sitting: Ron Potter & Joan Finocchiaro. Standing Michael Woo, Lawrencian woman, Mark LaPlante, Pavel Payano
Sitting: Joyce Gramble, Fred Simmons, Demet Haksever, Bill Lang. Standing: Rich Rosa, Eddie Enea, Steve Gordon
Joe DiThomas, Julie DiThomas, Mike Scarpa
Tim Coco
Julio Mejias and Marcos Devers
Richard Rodriguez' son, Christian

The Bryan Noble Award

This award was named after Paul “Bryan” Noble, who was one of Eva Rajczyk’s students at Lawrence High School. He lost his battle with heart disease at the age of 46 in 2014. He was a quiet soul who enjoyed being in big groups as much as being alone. We named this award after Brian because of his positive outlook on life and his unwavering perseverance against all odds that showed the parents of our Executive Director all the possibilities available to him despite being diagnosed with a Learning Disability.

This year’s presenter was Eva Rajczyk.

Bryan Noble Award given to State Auditor Diana DiZoglio for "championing the needs of all Massachusetts citizens and her ongoing support of AWorks"

This year’s winner was Massachusetts State Auditor Diana DiZoglio.

State Auditor Diana DiZoglio
Eva Rajczyk introducing Diana DiZoglio
Eva Rajczyk and State Auditor Diana DiZoglio
Eva Rajczyk and State Auditor Diana DiZoglio with plaque
State Auditor Diana DiZoglio

The Asperger Works Award

This year’s presenter was Lisa Rajczyk.

Asperger Works Award given to Lawrence ADA Coordinator Richard Rodriguez for "all the time and energy he has devoted to advancing the cause of AWorks and the disability community"

This year’s winner was Lawrence ADA Coordinator Richard Rodriguez.

City of Lawrence ADA Coordinator Richard Rodriguez
Lisa Rajczyk presenting award to Richard Rodriguez
Lawrence ADA Coordinator Richard Rodriguez with AWorks plaque receiving State Senate citation from State Senator Pavel Payano
State Senator Pavel Payano and Lawrence ADA Coordinator Richard Rodriguez
Richard Rodriguez receiving citation from State Senator Pavel Payano and State Auditor Diana DiZoglio

The Community Service Award

This year’s presenter was Richard Rodriguez.

Community Service Award given to WeCare365 AFC for "its ongoing work on behalf of disadvantaged people"

This year’s winner was WeCare 365 AFC.

WeCare 365 AFC
Richard Rodriguez announcing winners of the Community Service Award
Members of WeCare 365 accepting Community Service Award
Members of WeCare 365 AFC and Richard Rodriguez
WeCare 365 member making an emotional speech about her child
Ziwei Zhou describing the piece he was going to play on the piano
Eva and Adam Rajczyk. Demet Haksever and Bill Lang dancing
Lisa and Eva Rajczyk
Daniel Rajczyk with citation from Massachusetts Governor Healy recognizing the work done by AWorks with Joan Finocchiaro, Marc Laplante and Richard Rodriguez in background
Tim Cco at the mike
Eva Rajczyk with camera
Stephanie Beach with Jerry Majeau and the magic crown
Stephanie Beach with Gabriella Spinola and the magic cups
State Auditor Diana DiZoglio with City Councilor John Michitson
John Szekers
Stephanie Beach, Mary Duff-Henry, Eileen Duff and Jerry & Alison Majeau
Katalin Baltimore
Demet Haksever and Bill Lang dancing
Alison Majeau, Mark Laplante, Eva Rajczyk, John Michitson and John Szekeres with backs to camera
Ste[hanie Beach and Eva Rajczyk dancing
Haverhill City Councilor John Michitson
Jerry Majeau, Stephanie Beach, Joan Finocchiaro and the magic rope
Stephanie Beach with magic bag and a shot glass of alcohol
Adam and Eva Rajczyk on the dance floor
Marc Laplante reading citation from governor, Richard Rodriguez, and Lawrencian woman


Cocktails & Registration

See You Next Year!

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